Sunday, 21 March 2021

Most Viewed Video On YouTube channels in the words

Most Viewed Video On YouTube channels in the words
you tube

The music and entertainment channel is one of the most viewed channels on YouTube. As of February 2021, Indian music company T series topped the list with 172 million subscribers.

According to data from the Algerle website, Sweden’s most popular YouTuber Felix Kjellberg's PewDiePie comedy channel ranked second with 109 million fans. It topped the list for five consecutive years.

The competition between PewDiePie and the Indian Channel T series can be seen in 2018. The Swedish YouTuber, which has maintained a dominant position for many years, launched the comedy series "Beach Lasagna" to attract more followers and its viewership reached 282 million.

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The Indian music company T series was established in 2007 to improve many channels. The company’s YouTube channel includes songs by famous Bollywood musicians and Indian film singers.

The channel has recently taken various measures to bring more subscribers to its platform during lock-in and the coronavirus crisis, including making content useful to children and commenting on blogs.

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